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9020352 | TCZK9 | 9020352 by *********** Last update: Sat Mar 02 2024

General Info

Ship Name:INGA A
IMO Code:9020352
Call Sign:TCZK9
Line Operator:9020352
Class Name for Sister Ships:29S
Year Built:1993
Position Format:Bay, Row, Tier
Allowed Containers:20, 40, 45
LPP (LBP):148.00
LOA (Length Overall):0.00
Stern to AFT PP:-
Features Informed:Standard
Also Known As (old names):-

Size Summary

ISO Bays:031
Max ISO Row:08
Center Line Row:Yes
Max Above ISO Tier:94
Min Above ISO Tier:82
Max Below ISO Tier:08
Min Below ISO Tier:02
Total TEU:1,111

Centers of Gravity

LCG Values:Known
LCG Data:100%
VCG Values:Known
VCG Data:100%
TCG Values:Known
TCG Data:100%

Side View

Side view of INGA A

Hatch-Covers View

Deck view of INGA A

ISO Bays

  • 20'
  • 40'
  • 45'
  • Reefer
  • Restricted slot

001 (002)

  • ? /
Bay 001 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 003 view and slots of INGA A

005 (006)

  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 005 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 007 view and slots of INGA A

009 (010)

  • ? /
Bay 009 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 011 view and slots of INGA A

013 (014)

  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 013 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 015 view and slots of INGA A

017 (018)

  • ? /
Bay 017 view and slots of INGA A


  • ? /
Bay 019 view and slots of INGA A

021 (022)

  • /
  • ? /
Bay 021 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 023 view and slots of INGA A

025 (026)

  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 025 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
  • ? /
Bay 027 view and slots of INGA A

029 (030)

Bay 029 view and slots of INGA A


  • / ?
Bay 031 view and slots of INGA A